Accueil > BLAGUES-L > Archives 2002 >

Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 15:38:33 -0400
From: Bay D-4
Subject: BLAGUES-L: Le bebe / The Baby

[ A subscriber sent me both the English and the French version of a 
joke.  Here you go. (/jg) ]

FROM: Lee_Bradley
DATE: 18 May 2002 11:03:44 -0400

Tu as sans doute entendu parler de Jack le Texan qui entre dans
un bar et offre plusieurs tournees a tout le monde parce que sa
femme vient d'accoucher d'un petit garcon de 13 livres.

Jack revient deux semaines apres au meme bar et tout le monde
veut avoir des nouvelles du bebe. "Il va tres bien," dit Jack.
"Combien pese-t-il?" demandent les copains.  Jack dit: "Onze
livres."  Un copain demande: "Mais comment cela est-il possible?
Il y a deux semaines, a la naissance, il pesait deja 13 livres."

"Oh oui," dit Jack, "mais nous l'avons fait circoncire!!!"


You've surely heard tell of Jack the Texan, who goes into a bar and
buys everyone several rounds because his wife has just had a 13-pound

Two weeks later, Jack comes back to the same bar and everybody wants
to hear news of the baby.  "He's doing very well," says Jack. "How much
does he weigh?" the guys ask. Jack says, "Eleven pounds." And a guy 
asks, "But how's that possible? Two weeks ago he already weighed 13 
pounds at birth."

"Oh, yeah," said Jack, "but we had him circumcised!!!"

Accueil > BLAGUES-L > Archives 2002 >