Accueil > BLAGUES-L > Archives 1995 >

Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 09:41:05 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: BLAGUES-L: Old lady joke

This old lady goes in to a pharmacy.  She's maybe 80 years old,
and has that quaint little shake that all old people seem to
have.  Anyways, she shuffles to the back pharmacy counter and
asks the young pharmacist, "Do you sell vibrators?"  "Yes we do,"
came the reply from the young pharmacist, somewhat surprised that
this little old lady with the shakes was asking such a question.
"Do you sell 10 inch vibrators," the old lady asked.  "Yes, we
do," the young pharmacist again replied, very curious as to the
nature of these questions.  Still having the "old-person" shakes,
the old lady asked "Do you sell the BLUE 10 inch vibrators?"  "I
believe we do," was the reply from the pharmacist.
"Great," said the old lady.  "Can you tell me how to turn it off?"

Thank you, thank you...
Ian Douglas
 * 1.60 * If you stand up to be counted someone will take your seat.
| Fidonet:  Ian Douglas 1:249/116
| Internet: Ian.Douglas

Accueil > BLAGUES-L > Archives 1995 >